Saturday, March 28, 2009

Information Overload

Some of you are speed-readers but most are not; but even speed-readers would have great difficult reading effectively from me in my fast-scroll mode.
The same difficulty applies to you humans as you try unsuccessfully to digest the plethora of spending initiatives and programs being proposed by this Congress and Administration.

Just imagine if Teleprompters had one speed: fast! Certainly, the context would be lost as you humans struggled just to try to read one complete sentence. By the time you declared success by making it through just one sentence, the script has reached its end.

My sources (TOTUS is one) reveal that such a strategy is being employed today to keep you humans in reaction mode--give you so much, so quick that before you know it, the script has reached the end, story's over, the deal is done, and you're left shaking your head asking "What just happened?"

It's time to slow it down.

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